Analisis Model Kecepatan Gelombang-P pada Coal-Seam Gas Studi Kasus Cekungan Sumatera Selatan, Indonesia


  • Harnanti Yogaputri Hutami Program Studi Teknik Geofisika, Jurusan Teknologi Manufaktur dan Kebumian, Institut Teknologi Sumatera, Indonesia
  • Fitriyani Fitriyani Program Studi Teknik Geofisika, Jurusan Teknologi Manufaktur dan Kebumian, Institut Teknologi Sumatera, Indonesia
  • Tiara Larasati Priniarti Program Studi Teknik Geofisika, Jurusan Teknologi Manufaktur dan Kebumian, Institut Teknologi Sumatera, Indonesia
  • Handoyo Handoyo Facultat de ciencies de la Terra, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain



The rock physics model is one effective yet challenging way to investigate the coal-seam gas potential in Indonesia. However, because of the complex conditions of the Coal-Seam Gas Reservoirs, it is difficult to establish models. Despite the scarce modeling, this study aims to estimate the relation of gas-saturated within pores of coal seam to the elastic properties of rock, which is P-wave velocity. First, the coal seam minerals are applied to quantify matrix moduli using the Voigt-Reuss-Hill Average method. Pride’s simple equation is used to estimate the elastic properties of the coal seam at dry condition (zero gas saturation). Finally, Biot-Gassmann’s theory is applied to determine the elastic properties of coal seam with fully gas saturated. As the result, the proposed model showed that there is a significant negative correlation between gas content with both density and P-wave velocity of the coal seam. Finally, this P-wave velocity model of gas-saturated coal seams should be properly useful as the quick look for identifying coal seam gas potentials. 


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How to Cite

Hutami, H. Y., Fitriyani, F., Priniarti, T. L., & Handoyo, H. (2020). Analisis Model Kecepatan Gelombang-P pada Coal-Seam Gas Studi Kasus Cekungan Sumatera Selatan, Indonesia. JGE (Jurnal Geofisika Eksplorasi), 6(2), 113–120.




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