Author Guidelines
GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: Papers sent have never been published and are not in the process of evaluating other publications; has been agreed by the joint authors, if any, as the same party responsible for the text. The issuer will not be responsible for claims or requests for compensation for matters relating to the text.
The manuscript must be sent using an electronic file addressed to: JGE Editor, Geophysical Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, University of Lampung, E-mail:, website:
Manuscripts that are sent must be in good condition, typed on A4 white paper on one surface, using two spaces. The left and right edges of the text give a minimum of 2.50 cm of free space from the edge of the paper. The length of the manuscript should not be more than 25 pages including tables and figures.
SCOPE: This journal contains reviews of published research results, related to theories, evaluations of other research results and / or policy provisions, which are intended for policy makers as material for decision making. The problem is discussed comprehensively and aims to provide information about geophysical technology and earth science in Indonesia.
LANGUAGES: This journal contains articles in good Indonesian and English. Use terms to follow the Language Development Guidelines and Centers.
ARTICLE FORMS: Manuscripts are arranged in the following order: title of the paper, author's name and address, abstracts of Indonesian and English (200 words) and keywords (English), introduction, literature review, research methods, results and discussion, conclusions and suggestions, ending with a bibliography.
ARTICLE TITLE: The title must be concise, factual and informative, which accurately reflects the contents of the manuscript. The title cannot be more than 12 words. AUTHOR'S NAME: The author's name and the name of the institution (institution) where the author works along with full address, telephone number, fax, and email are listed under the heading If the author is more than one person, then writing his name follows the code of ethics of writing. If deemed necessary, the title of the manuscript can be accompanied by subtitles to reinforce the purpose of the writing.
ABSTRACT: Abstract is a summary of the most important elements of the text, written in one paragraph of no more than 200 words. The abstract must be able to describe concisely the problem, the purpose of the writing, and the conclusion. Avoid abbreviations and references in the abstract.
KEYWORDS: A minimum of three to five key words consisting of one word or a combination of words that indicate the main subjects in the text.
INTRODUCTION: Contains background, formulation of problems, objectives, and citation of relevant libraries.
DISCUSSION: The discussion refers to the KTI review relating to the results of research in geophysics, geology, geomorphology, geochemistry, geotechnical, hydrogeology, meteorology & climatology, mining, remote sensing and GIS, disaster mitigation, and published rock physics, associated with theory, evaluation of research results and/or policy provisions, aimed at users including policy makers, practitioners, academics, instructors, students and other general users. The discussion is written concisely, focusing on the interpretation of the results obtained, and is not a repetition of the results section. The discussion was carried out comprehensively and aimed at providing information about the development of geophysical technology and earth science in Indonesia, its uses, problems and solutions. The scope of the discussion covers the fields of science: geophysics, geology, geomorphology, geochemistry, geotechnics, hydrogeology, meteorology & climatology, mining, remote sensing and GIS, disaster mitigation, and rock physics.
CONCLUSION: A brief description in the form of a complete sentence that answers the aims and problems of the study, and is equipped with suggestions or implications.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: Aimed at those who have helped in completing activities or funding.
MEASUREMENT UNIT: Unit of measurement in text and graphics uses the metric system, for example in units of microns, mm, cm, km, for length; cm3, liters for volume; and g, kg, tons for weight. Use of pikul units, quintals, etc. to be avoided.
TABLE: Tables should be given a brief but clear title with sufficient notes, including the source, in such a way that each table is able to explain the information presented independently. Each table is numbered sequentially and reviewed in the text.
FIGURE AND GRAPHICS: Images and graphics are made with lines thick enough to allow shrinkage in the printing process. All symbols and abbreviations in pictures and graphics must be explained. As in the table, the light on the graph must be sufficient to be presented independently. Images and graphics must be reviewed in the text. Black and white or color photos should be of good quality.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Library is arranged alphabetically by first author's (family) name. Each library listed in the bibliography must be quoted (cited) in the text, and vice versa each citation (citation) must be included in the bibliography. Minimum number of citations cited is 15 pieces. Primary libraries from some writers are expected to be more than secondary libraries, and libraries from within the country are more numerous than libraries from abroad. Manuscripts with many libraries from abroad can be accepted if the problem discussed is useful or has a direct impact on Indonesia. The novelty of the library has been attempted in the last 10 years.